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best cenote in cozumel

Jade Caverns Cozumel's Cenote

Exploring Cozumel’s hidden Cenotes

Jade Cavern Cozumel (Cenote Chempita) 

Welcome to Cozumel, a beautiful island located off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula! While we know Cozumel for its stunning beaches and vibrant marine life, it’s also home to a hidden gem that few tourists know about – the privately owned Jade Cavern.

Tucked away in the lush jungles of Cozumel, Jade Cavern is a mesmerizing cenote that offers an unforgettable experience for adventurous travelers. As a tour guide, I’ve had the privilege of exploring this natural wonder, and let me tell you, it’s a sight to behold.

Getting to Jade Cavern is an Adventure

After a short drive from the main tourist areas of Cozumel, we hike through the dense jungle, following a narrow trail that leads us deeper into the heart of the island. The air is thick with tropical flower aromas. The sounds of exotic birds and insects fill the air, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation.

As we approach Jade Cavern, the first thing that catches our eye is the vibrant emerald color of the water. The cenote gets its name from the striking jade-green hue of its crystal-clear waters, which is breathtaking. The water is so clear that we can see to the bottom, revealing the intricate limestone formations and submerged tree roots that add to the cenote’s otherworldly beauty.

View of the Jade Cavern

Arriving at the Cenote Chempita

The owner of Jade Cavern, a friendly and knowledgeable local guide, welcomes us and shares the fascinating history of this privately owned cenote. Generations of his family have preserved Jade Cavern in its natural state, allowing visitors to experience its pristine beauty while maintaining its ecological integrity.

After a brief safety orientation, we are ready to explore the cenote. We put on our snorkeling gear and descend into the water, immersing ourselves in the surreal underwater world of Jade Cavern. The water was cool, and an array of colorful fish greeted us around the intriguing rock formations.

One highlight of exploring Jade Cavern is snorkeling through its extensive underwater cave system. We follow our guide as he leads us through a maze of limestone passages adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, creating a surreal and otherworldly atmosphere. The play of light and shadows in the cave, combined with the mesmerizing color of the water, creates a magical experience.

Jade Cavern residents

The Importance of These Cenotes

As we continue our exploration, we come across hidden chambers and small openings that reveal more of Jade Cavern’s hidden treasures. Our guide points out unique geological formations, such as the “chandelier”. This is a stunning stalactite formation hanging from the ceiling of the cave. We also spot small blind fish that have adapted to living in the cenote’s darkness, a testament to the cenote’s pristine ecosystem.

We take our time to appreciate the natural beauty of Jade Cavern, swimming in its crystal-clear waters, marveling at the limestone formations, and taking in the serene ambiance of this hidden gem. It’s a surreal and awe-inspiring experience that leaves us with a deep appreciation for the wonders of nature.

After our exploration, we relaxed at the cenote’s shore, enjoying the peaceful surroundings and reflecting on the beauty of Jade Cavern. Our guide informed us of the cenote’s past and how it affects the environment, emphasizing the need to maintain its pristine state for future generations.

Entering Jade Cavern


As our visit to Jade Cavern ends, we feel grateful for this unique and unforgettable experience. It’s a true privilege to have been able to explore this privately owned cenote and witness its pristine beauty up close. If you’re ever in Cozumel and looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure, we recommend this HERE.

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Mexican Cenote

Cenotes: Attractions close to Cozumel.

The Most Beautiful Cenotes in Quintana Roo: Exploring Mexico’s Hidden Gems

With natural wonders, Mexico’s cenotes are in a league of their own. These breathtaking sinkholes, filled with crystal-clear freshwater, are not only a sight to behold but also offer a unique and refreshing swimming experience. In the heart of Quintana Roo lies a treasure trove of stunning cenotes waiting to be explored. But which one is the most beautiful? Join us on a journey through the mesmerizing world of cenotes as we uncover the answer to this question.

The Enigmatic Cenotes: A Glimpse into Mexico’s Ancient History

Before we explore Quintana Roo’s most beautiful cenote, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the cultural and historical value of these natural wonders. The word “cenote” derives from the Mayan term “ts’onot,” which translates to “hole with water.” The Mayans believed cenotes were sacred and served as gateways to the underworld. These mystical sinkholes were not only a source of life-sustaining freshwater but were also used for religious rituals and sacrifices.

The cenotes of Mexico

Understanding the Beauty of Cenotes: A Diverse Variety

Mexico is home to thousands of cenotes, each with its unique charm and allure. From open-air cenotes surrounded by lush greenery to underground caves adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, there is something for every nature enthusiast. Let’s explore some of the most beautiful cenotes in Quintana Roo and discover what sets them apart.

1. Dos Ojos Cenote: A Window to the Underwater World

In the Riviera Maya, Dos Ojos Cenote is a true marvel of nature. Its name, meaning “two eyes” in Spanish, refers to the two interconnected sinkholes that create a mesmerizing underwater labyrinth. What makes Dos Ojos Cenote famous is its crystal-clear turquoise waters that offer unparalleled visibility for divers and snorkelers. As you swim through the intricate network of caves and tunnels, you’ll be captivated by the otherworldly beauty of the rock formations and the vibrant marine life that calls this cenote home.

2. Cenote Manatí (aka Casa Cenote): A River-like Oasis

As we venture further into the Tulum area, we encounter Cenote Manatí, also known as Casa Cenote. This open-air cenote resembles a natural river, with its long and narrow shape. Surrounded by mangroves and palm trees, Cenote Manatí offers a unique blend of both freshwater and saltwater, creating an ecosystem that supports a diverse array of marine life. Snorkeling in this cenote feels like gliding through a hidden paradise, with sunlight streaming through the gaps in the trees, illuminating the underwater world beneath you.

3. Cenote Calavera: A Hidden Gem

Tucked away near Tulum, Cenote Calavera is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Its name, meaning “skull” in Spanish, refers to the three circular openings that resemble eye and mouth sockets. This cenote offers a unique experience for thrill-seekers, as you can enter the water through these natural “skulls” and dive into the refreshing depths below. The cenote’s pristine waters and stunning rock formations make it a photographer’s dream, allowing you to capture the beauty of this hidden oasis.

4. Cenote Cristalino and Escondido: A Double Delight

In the heart of the Riviera Maya, Cenote Cristalino and Escondido offer a unique combination of two cenotes in one location. Cenote Cristalino, as the name suggests, boasts clear waters that reveal the intricacies of the underwater world. The vibrant formations and the diverse marine life that thrives in this cenote will enthral snorkelers and divers. Just a short walk away, Cenote Escondido awaits, hidden beneath a dense canopy of trees. This cenote provides a tranquil escape, with its secluded and intimate setting, perfect for those seeking a peaceful and serene swimming experience.

5. Cenote Aktun-Ha: Unveiling Ancient Secrets

As we venture deeper into the Yucatan Peninsula, we come across Cenote Aktun-Ha. This cenote, also known as Carwash Cenote, holds a unique historical significance. In ancient times, it served as a sacred site for Mayan ceremonies and rituals. Today, it offers visitors a chance to dive into the past and explore the underwater wonders that lie beneath its surface. With its clear and calm waters, Cenote Aktun-Ha provides an ideal setting for snorkeling and swimming, allowing you to connect with the rich cultural heritage of the Mayan civilization.

6. Cenote Choo-Ha: Embracing Nature’s Majesty

Nestled amidst the lush jungles of the Riviera Maya, Cenote Choo-Ha offers a tranquil escape from the bustling world. As you descend into this underground cenote, you’ll be surrounded by stunning rock formations and a canopy of stalactites that create an otherworldly atmosphere. The cenote’s crystal-clear waters invite you to take a refreshing swim while marveling at the beauty of nature’s creation. Cenote Choo-Ha is a hidden gem that showcases the majesty of the Yucatan Peninsula’s natural wonders.

Cenotes: Attractions close to Cozumel.

Choosing the Most Beautiful Cenote: A Personal Journey

While it is impossible to crown a single cenote as the most beautiful in Quintana Roo, each of the cenotes we’ve explored offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience. From the underwater wonders of Dos Ojos Cenote and the enchanting river-like oasis of Cenote Manatí to the hidden gems of Cenote Calavera and the double delight of Cenote Cristalino and Escondido, every cenote has its charm and allure.

When deciding which cenote to visit, consider your preferences and interests. Are you a thrill-seeker looking for an adrenaline-pumping diving experience? Or do you prefer a tranquil and peaceful swim in a secluded cenote? Whatever your choice may be, Quintana Roo’s cenotes are sure to leave you in awe of nature’s beauty and the rich cultural heritage that surrounds them.

So, grab your snorkel, don your swimsuit, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the most beautiful cenotes in Quintana Roo. Let the crystal-clear waters and stunning rock formations transport you to a world of wonder and enchantment. Discover the hidden treasures that lie beneath the surface and immerse yourself in the magic of Mexico’s cenotes.

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Book through this website, and we guarantee you’ll get the lowest price online. You’ll be dealing directly with us, the owners and we never charge booking fees, so you will save up to 30% of the cost over sites like Airbnb. Book our Downtown Airbnb in Cozumel here.

Cenotes: Attractions close to Cozumel. Read More »

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