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Workation in Cozumel Mexico

Workation In Cozumel

Paradise Productivity: How to Make the Most of Your Workation in Cozumel Mexico

The business world is awash with buzzwords like newsjacking, and the latest addition – workation. A workation is a temporary trip that combines work and vacation. With more than half the world now working from home and the rise of digital nomads who choose to work remotely, workations are on the upswing.

What is a Workation?

A workation is a holiday that allows you to work remotely. The concept is that you take a vacation from the workplace and not work itself. Apart from the COVID situation that has compelled people to work from home, workations are likewise becoming popular because of technological advancements and devices that aid in an effective remote work atmosphere. Workations straddle an unusual position between holiday, remote work, and furlough.

Why Must You Consider Going On A Workation In Today’s World?

1. Workations allow you to travel for longer than a traditional holiday, and since you’re still employed, you have a consistent salary credited into your account every month.

2. Workations lower your stress level, which is likely to change your routine and help stimulate your vision. This can produce marvels for your production and creativity.

3. For those seeking to transition into a digital nomad, a workation is a test of the remote work life.

The right accommodation can make or break your workation

1. The place you stay plays a monumental role in your productivity. You need to book a place suitable for working. Here’s a quick checklist with elements you need for a helpful environment.

2. Great speed internet connection.

3. A desk and chair you can sit and work at.

4. A resourceful neighborhood with a grocery store, coffee shop, restaurants, and such around so you don’t have to travel far for basics.

Stingray Villa Cozumel is the Perfect Place to Have a “Workation”

Stay in one of our cozy apartments in Cozumel Mexico for couples who want to work in a Scuba Diving Destination.

Your stay includes:

– Fast fiber internet

Location in Downtown Cozumel

– Indoor and outdoor workstations

– Weekends to play in the Sea

– Fun decisions for a two-tank morning or night dive

We can offer discounts for longer stays, just contact us for more details at Stingray Villa.

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